HUIA | ONSLOW by Anton Forde presents works in kōhatu/stone, Pounamu, andesite and basalt, carved with markings of Māhutonga/the Southern Cross, Raukura/feathers and Roimata/teardrops. These works are a recognition of and salute to our natural world, and the hope that humanity brings whilst interacting with her.
Whilst researching works for Onslow, Anton was inspired by the interactions and actions of Lord Onslow and Tene Waitere. Tene Waitere’s journey is one of passion and profound creativity in whakairo/ carving. He often created works that were traditionally unheard of, such as the carved fireplace that was commissioned for the Grand Hotel at 9 Princes St (now Onslow). Lord Onslow’s concern for the natural world of Aotearoa and Māori led to Ngāti Huia gifting his son’s name Huia. Anton Forde says, “These works pay tribute to those whetū/ stars, huia, and those permanently living with the stars, who allow us to find home today.”